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Screenshots » id:52712
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Score: 4.29
Votes: 28
Classification Player » Haublice
Date Submitted 2010-12-26 21:29:51
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Comments (8)
Caitsith.Syrael[Report] Score: 15
"i 1shotted it with a MB blizzard 5 9596" guess that rana + gekko + darkness SC all did 0 dmg
2010-12-27 13:13:44
Bahamut.Dasva[Report] Score: 10
If that is actually brewed it's super resisted lol
2010-12-27 16:01:44
Leviathan.Korialstrasz[Report] Score: 5
By "found online" I'm assuming you mean "found it here a couple days ago"..?
2010-12-28 00:30:42
Leviathan.Kongolo[Report] Score: 3
do it again!
2010-12-27 05:26:11
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 0
So he didn't 1 shot it, but it still should have shown around 90k damage, something I've never seen in the game, even with that new ??? Needles attack. It's probably a glitch with the game's numbers, which seems to be happening quite often lately...
2010-12-28 09:47:34
Asura.Darkultima[Report] Score: 0
Shinryu couldnt resist the "over 9000" joke i bet!
2010-12-27 05:03:28
Cerberus.Finalvegeta[Report] Score: -7

Ok, I did only 97% then with one spell that only says it did 9k, sry for saying I 1shotted it. I was the only person that brewed
2010-12-27 19:37:05
Leviathan.Draylo Show Score: -27
how dose u do dat??
2010-12-27 07:39:15