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Screenshots » id:52259
Befor 75lv uncapped
Score: 1.36
Votes: 86
Classification Player » Kingvigor
Date Submitted 2010-12-13 21:24:00
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Comments (23)
Siren.Ravian[Report] Score: 23
Less than 2k on Seiryu is weak ***.
2010-12-13 21:41:46
Odin.Sheelay[Report] Score: 22
Thank you for showing everyone how not to gear up and play!
2010-12-13 22:38:34
Siren.Thoraeon[Report] Score: 17
2010-12-13 21:36:15
Asura.Xenophire[Report] Score: 12
Oh god, you're back...
2010-12-13 21:29:23
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 12
The only thing more impressive than these numbers, is your Unicorn Mufflers.
2010-12-13 22:45:01
Quetzalcoatl.Dova[Report] Score: 9
Penta always belongs in the SC tributes
2010-12-14 01:39:20
Bismarck.Kafkas[Report] Score: 9
This is just epic thank god you have that unicorn body... regen is a must when you are doing that kind of damage.
2010-12-14 00:41:21
Valefor.Kungg[Report] Score: 7
***damage from a ***player on ***Nyzul bosses and Sky gods.. you should feel bad Warrior is a great job and you just knocked us back a few years....
2010-12-14 03:10:33
Carbuncle.Kyofooyo[Report] Score: 5
why is he making a steel cyclone tribute with a picture where he's not even wearing a great axe...?
2010-12-14 00:16:35
Cerberus.Valmur[Report] Score: 5
So awesome I wish I could be like you someday
2010-12-13 22:24:44