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Um...I think SE needs to learn how to add.
Score: 2.08
Votes: 25
Classification Player » Bojack
Tags Extending Time
Date Submitted 2010-12-09 12:33:23
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Comments (5)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 10
What Crimsontears is correct, however its not a glitch at all.

Abyssea is designed to wear you're only allowed 120 minutes "Base" time. so if you enter for 107 minutes, You're only allowed 13 more minutes of "Base" time, meaning if you use another stone, you're only getting 13 minutes.

The text in itself is incorrect, but its working properly.

And for that matter, TE's from boxes count to your 120 minute "base". so if you come in with 110 Minutes, and get a TE, regardless of when, You cannot use another stone!
2010-12-09 16:38:01
Siren.Eremes[Report] Score: 6
If you enter with say, 60 minutes, then add 36 minutes, you have 96 minutes, right? If you try to "extend visitant status" without zoning, when you add 36 more minutes, you will only get as many minutes as would have raised you to 120 (so 120-96 = 24 minutes) even if you have fewer than 96 minutes remaining. The only way to exceed 120 minutes in Abyssea is to collect time from Pyxides.
2010-12-09 13:55:06
Valefor.Blissrun[Report] Score: 3
You have to exit then come back in before you add more time. I learned that out making the same mistake.
2010-12-09 13:50:14
Bismarck.Danara[Report] Score: -3
Same happened to me, just need to zone to correct the problem
2010-12-09 14:18:20
Bahamut.Bojack[Report] Score: -6
This happen to anyone else? I had 22 Minutes reamaining when I tried to extend my time. Instead of extending it by 36 minutes it only extend it by 23 minutes, therefore jipping me out of 13 minutes.
2010-12-09 13:39:50