I used the glowing elemental staves .dat mod for a while, and every now and again the glowy bit would show up on the ground by my feet, for no apparent reason. Idk if that's been fixed since then though.
I used that .dat mod for a while and after the last update it had the same results. It wasn't annoying enough for me dig through dats and fix so it's still glowing at my feet.
Dekka's one of the single greatest guys on Siren and you trollers from other servers who jump to conclusions based on a tathlum are suffering from a severe case of Macho Insecurity.
Actually, It's all working as its intended.
There is a .dat mod that shows the light of the element you using on your equiped elemental staff.
You should do a .dat check to replace the messup you made on the glowing staff mod, if you like it just be more careful about following instructions next time ;)