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Screenshots » id:51474
Laevateinn 85
Score: 6.93
Votes: 15
Classification Item » Laevateinn
Tags Laevateinn 85 Beanbean
Date Submitted 2010-11-23 15:13:35
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Comments (4)
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 7
@Eikechi You cannot do MAcc. AND MDmg. ToM staves, they get *** up in the macros. He likely still has HQ Staves for Magic Accurac. DoTs like Choke and Burn, aswell as Enfeebles such as Gravity and Bind still merit the ownership of HQ staves, just to name a few examples.
2010-11-23 17:34:25
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 5
How does the +40 MAB compare to the Indra/Varuna+1?
2010-11-23 16:49:32
Carbuncle.Axle[Report] Score: -7
Roughly Indra+1 is 30% boost, matt+40 would roughly be 40%. From how i look at it anyway
2010-11-23 18:42:42
Ifrit.Eikechi[Report] Score: -9
@Aeronis it must suck if they still have every HQ staff on them.... lulz inb4rate downs lol
2010-11-23 17:20:06