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Screenshots » id:51375
Killing a Mark on 12 while LFP
Score: 3.67
Votes: 21
Classification Player » Brock
Tags Yiazmat punk
Date Submitted 2010-11-20 14:13:07
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Comments (11)
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 26
You're not LFP!
2010-11-20 18:40:33
Phoenix.Morier[Report] Score: 16
No wonder you aren't getting invites. Your flag isn't up.
2010-11-20 21:20:33
Caitsith.Finzenku[Report] Score: 13
Won't get many invites while /anon either.
2010-11-20 22:57:11
Asura.Mikalya[Report] Score: 4
screen soo small...
2010-11-20 18:46:27
Bismarck.Touvan[Report] Score: 0
Yiazmat was a *** to kill took me 6 hours.
2010-11-21 12:04:00
Asura.Shiroineko[Report] Score: 0
Mine probably would've been the other way around. Seriously, my macros or w/e you call them were doing all the work - at one point I actually LEFT to go play 11, came back later, and they were still fighting.

God I hate that f*cker ¬ ¬
2010-11-21 13:39:58
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: 0
GJ on Yiazmat too, you must have been lfp for a damn long time.
2010-11-20 19:32:06
Unicorn.Brock[Report] Score: 0
Yes, I took down my party flag for the last 3 million Hit points. I had to go all manual on his @$$ as my gambits we not able to keep up with his Endeath, Deathstrike, and Cyclone spam toward the end. It was an all day fight. LFP again and this time I'm working on that lame fishing quest for the Wyrmhero Blade. =/ Nobody loves COR's anymore.
2010-11-21 15:04:36
Unicorn.Zapata[Report] Score: 0
Where's my thank you for getting you in a party?!?!?!
2010-11-21 20:10:29
Bismarck.Kaibutso[Report] Score: 0
AHHAHAHA! I been doing the same thing lately, playing 12 while seeking on 11.
2010-11-21 22:55:12