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Screenshots » id:51006
Lest we forget
Score: 7.54
Votes: 37
Classification Player » Jessie
Tags remembrance veterans armistice day november 11
Date Submitted 2010-11-11 13:15:53
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Comments (4)
Caitsith.Jessie[Report] Score: 11
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we Canadians stop for 2 minutes in silence to honor those who gave their entire lives to fight for the freedoms that we live with today. We remember their sacrifice, and we pray for the soldiers still fighting to this day.

It is also a Canadian custom to wear a poppy from November 1 until today.

Thank you, fallen soldiers. Thank you, veterans. Thank you, peacekeepers.

Jessie is just my avatar on this site. It's simply a representation of the idea.
2010-11-11 17:31:29
Ragnarok.Littleanimal[Report] Score: 1
Thank you for honoring our soldiers and remembering all who have died in the call of duty.

@thedreamer; can't understand anything you said >_>
2011-11-01 03:50:26
Alexander.Equilibrium[Report] Score: 0
I'd say this has been rendered rather well actually.
2010-11-11 14:34:30
Gilgamesh.Thedreamer Show Score: -12
Cant understand whithout comment...

Why choose a game pic for such serious evenement then ? and why such fantasy-numeric background ?

That just dont make sens...
2010-11-11 16:14:23