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Tarutaru need lovin' to.
Score: 2.20
Votes: 30
Classification Player » Remoraforever
Tags Male Tarutaru {Fun} {Excitement}
Date Submitted 2010-10-28 06:52:47
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Comments (11)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 12

Unless thats sarcasm (Which i somehow feel it is?) i can help you understand 3/4 of those.

1)Can't help Pink Boots: Yah, these are wrong >.> should be Ballerines/Homam, But if he doesn't have homam these are second best though!

2)Snipers are still good... ?

3)That's likely a Raider's Boomerang. (look it up)

4)That's likely a Kila, Not a Behemoth's Knife.

5) More i read your post the more i assume you were being sarcastic >.>!
2010-10-28 10:13:56
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: 8
this page proves that superman shouldn't do anything outside the office.
2010-10-28 10:32:37
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 4
All I can keep thinking of is the wasted trial space by starting the trials before you have the items to complete it.
2010-10-28 09:34:27
Phoenix.Dooom[Report] Score: 4
Why the *** is Superman's RNG using a swift belt?
2010-10-28 17:20:20
Bismarck.Endoceti[Report] Score: 1
Tarutaru need lovin' to do what?
2010-10-28 15:46:53
Leviathan.Powerslave[Report] Score: 0
2010-10-28 17:58:04
Asura.Thalassa[Report] Score: -1
@Dooom didnt u know Haste makes ur ws go faster? uh.duh :)
2010-10-28 20:34:52
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: -1
Flan trial?! You should be on a Qutrub Trial >:| +8 Base damage on crits rocks (*'-')
2010-10-29 15:52:58
Leviathan.Remoraforever[Report] Score: -2
@All of you.

Ranged weapon isn't Raider's just yet, most of the stuff I get is with friends since I can't stand point system End game shells.

The NQ Wep (the one that looks like Bone Knife) is Dakini, I'm working on finishing it atm, I'm on Flan trial.

I wear Aurore Boots because like the first comment said, I get stuff with my friends, not a linkshell so getting Ballerines or Homam is a little out of my reach until I can afford to merc.

And Sniper's ring is still good until +1, Toreador's, or Ulthaam's.

Edit: Title says Tarutaru need lovin' to because I actually play a tarutaru character, I just use plasticsurgeon windower app because I like the way stuff looks on Hume rather than taru.
2010-10-28 19:58:14
Asura.Darkultima Show Score: -10

Sad enough its a wingedge and a Kila u_u but still, grats!
2010-10-28 10:39:36