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Screenshots » id:50579
85DRK/42SAM King Arthro solo with drop and no treasure hunter!
Score: 5.25
Votes: 20
Classification Player » Pilipinoboi
Tags Velocious Belt
Date Submitted 2010-10-27 15:06:38
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Comments (4)
Ifrit.Korebin[Report] Score: 4
Wouldn't consider it a "SOLO" since you used a NPC but either way grats on the drop!
2010-10-27 16:49:31
Phoenix.Pilipinoboi[Report] Score: 3
Haha, that is true Korebin, I did use my crappy lv 50 NPC, so scratch out the solo part!

As for the echo drops, poison potions, and vile elixir, the first two are in my inventory for Einherjar events and the elixir was from my KA kill and claim from the other day.

However, things to note on this fight are;

KA's accuracy towards a lv 85 player is very bad. His hundred fists was literally a miss-ga so I don't doubt any lv 85 player would have trouble in soloing KA nowadays.

The only damage he was able to do to me was his Waterga IV's which varies from 120-480 dmg. All other spells have no effect on me otherwise.

As you can see from the screenshot, right as I claimed him, he opened up with a Waterga IV hence my yellow HP to start.

No meds were necessary for this fight.

Happy hunting to the rest of you!
2010-10-27 17:59:34
Bahamut.Dannyl[Report] Score: -2
2010-10-27 21:50:01
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: -9
echo drops for when he paralyzes you.
2010-10-27 17:18:48