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7 Years, 37 Abjurations passed, 8 times I was offline and unable to lot, 1 time with a donated Odin popset, dropped abjuration but couldn't lot and went to BST only.... I finally have it! Better late than never I guess!
Score: 7.00
Votes: 11
Classification Player » Pilipinoboi
Tags Armada Hauberk
Date Submitted 2010-10-13 05:55:48
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Comments (4)
Phoenix.Excelior[Report] Score: 0
Pray to god it doesnt get out-dated lol.
2010-10-13 13:34:45
Phoenix.Pilipinoboi[Report] Score: 0
To be honest, Bale Cuirass +2 does not trump this.

Bale Cuirass is more fitted for Ragnarok DRK Crit hit build / Apocalypse Aftermath gear / Ichi & Ni recasts subbing NIN & DRK's that actually hit consistent 95% acc cap on any given mob they fight.

The only -other- and actual body that trumps this would be Twilight Mail.
2010-12-12 03:11:08
Alexander.Orenwald[Report] Score: -1
*looks at Bale+2 body* Too late?
2010-12-09 09:26:22
Lakshmi.Odude[Report] Score: -1
Congrats! I finally got my Abjuration last weekend. Can't find any Curse Hauberk -1s, so I'm trying to get one crafted. But I'm with you, HQ or GTFO!
2011-04-20 21:53:24