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They raged it and wiped to it at 1%. Chainspell nuked it and belt dropped. 6/21/2010
Score: 8.00
Votes: 26
Classification Player » Tata
Tags King Arthro, Velocious belt
Date Submitted 2010-10-11 17:05:08
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Comments (8)
Alexander.Almostunsane[Report] Score: 16
Lol'd at the intimidated raise.

What, never seen a dead body? D:
2010-10-11 21:10:59
Leviathan.Remoraforever[Report] Score: 5
I'm still LOL'n at how someone wiped who probably camped this for hours then a person named "Heartless" nabs the end result with a couple nukes and gets the drop. Nice guys finish last I guess.
2010-10-12 08:14:09
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] Score: 3
Nice ^^ and nice to see you raised them after :)
2010-10-11 19:54:47
Ragnarok.Tata[Report] Score: 1
It was also the morning before the update... and I was saying... "I hope the update don't have another haste belt" then boom! dat mining came out with a Bullwhip Belt. /fume
2010-10-12 14:29:17
Bismarck.Rinomaru[Report] Score: 0
KA has been putting out lately, lots of Vbelt SS's.
2010-10-11 22:07:51
Asura.Kresaera[Report] Score: 0
I did that once. A corse nm. They kited it and slowly chipped away at it's life then wiped at 5%. I was ready with Dia and claimed as soon as it went yellow. BST hat dropped too =) Congrats on your belt!
2010-10-12 08:17:38
Fenrir.Ximph[Report] Score: -2
I love when the person tanking d/c's and you can nab :D
2010-10-12 06:53:27
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: -6
"Wow it didn't even go white"
"Wow, don't use dial-up"
2010-10-11 20:35:31