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Finaly completed SMN feet after getting 13 war, 7 dnc and 6 sch. As well as dieing like... 30-40 times to nms like the Opo opo and Ironclad Executionar...
Classification Player » Kittsune
Tags Caller's Seal: Feet
Date Submitted 2010-10-03 17:02:07
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Comments (6)
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 1
I just use the "Full Inventory" "Trick", it doesn't actually speed up the process, but it's slightly less soul-deadening than seeing 20 PUP or whatever.

8/8 Savant and Caller Seal feets. Did 3 XP parties in Vunkerl for item, 19 PUP, 4DNC. PUP will always find you, one way or the other...
2010-10-03 18:47:57
Siren.Kunimatsu[Report] Score: 0
Took me around 30 traverser stones of time getting my 8 callers feet seals... im still trying to get the feet to drop in a pt ; ;
2010-10-03 19:36:13
Leviathan.Lexington[Report] Score: 0
I know your pain xD Congrats on getting them though !
2010-10-03 20:34:38
Bahamut.Dasva[Report] Score: 0
Not bad really. I think I got over 30 rdm before I got 8 rng legs.
2010-10-03 20:22:26
Caitsith.Kittsune[Report] Score: 0
I used around 30 stones as well for this. Left me with 3 I needed for tonights exp/boots run.
2010-10-03 21:18:35
Diabolos.Whitewing[Report] Score: 0
50 stones!!

war 20/8 sch 8/8 dnc 8/8 7/8 for 3 days and on the 4th day baby jebus said wait for 3 more days of war :( then 8/8 :D

what's this "full inv" trick and where can I read up on it?
2010-10-04 15:59:26