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-just some /sh fun
Score: 3.71
Votes: 14
Classification Player » Persevs
Date Submitted 2010-10-03 09:42:46
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Comments (4)
Titan.Persevs[Report] Score: 0
Lol guys, the hole point was this:
It was hard getting members to join so I just tried to spice it up. Had 2 members, both had relics. Then Average made a comment about it, and well this average players's name was Average.
Never said Excal does more damage than w/e. We only had a reclic holder for tank and a drk with apoc. So guess your missing the point.
2010-10-03 14:28:51
Shiva.Giffor[Report] Score: -2
You are a fool if you think a Hagun can outparse an Amano or a Byakko's axe outparse a Bravura and an excal is a very very damn nice sword. If you have ever seen the hp procs on one you would know
2010-10-03 18:00:09
Ragnarok.Cerelyn Show Score: -16
2010-10-03 12:56:55
Lakshmi.Blacklion Show Score: -24
Love how he says relics only, yet most relics are easily outparsed by ***like hagun sams or a byakkos axe war
2010-10-03 13:25:35