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So Dark Ixion is an Elemental ? [Trial 1701] : Objective: 150 experience-yielding elemental-type creatures.
Score: 8.37
Votes: 35
Classification Player » Cerelyn
Tags wtf trial Dark Ixion
Date Submitted 2010-09-30 13:17:13
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Comments (5)
Hades.Eliane[Report] Score: 31
Only 149 Ixions to go
2010-09-30 14:16:13
Ragnarok.Cerelyn[Report] Score: 8
Well, I dont mind. 1 less to kill. Was simply surprised lol.
2010-09-30 13:46:21
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 4
Pixies are considered "Elementals" apparently.

So it seems Pixies and monoceros are in the "Elemental" Super-family. odd.
2010-09-30 13:39:55
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: -3
Nope this had to be light day. And yes those other mobs are on elemental family. Notice the elemental path for VNMs has pixies...

Also pretty sure pixies are elementals everyday... it's just that the only elemental trials are light day or weather
2010-09-30 17:10:41
Cerberus.Kuching[Report] Score: -6
Excuse me? was this during darksday?
As pixies are ONLY light elementals during lightsday. So...perhaps?
2010-09-30 16:36:44