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Screenshots » id:49426
Score: 7.76
Votes: 63
Classification Item » Firaga II
Tags Firaga
Date Submitted 2010-09-26 14:27:26
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Comments (10)
Siren.Blaire[Report] Score: 28
Cordareo, you just attacked the picture AND Degs. So if he needs to grow up, you need to grow up twice. Or grow two of something, at any rate.
2010-09-26 16:22:51
Phoenix.Degs[Report] Score: 23
the pic may not be funny... but neither are you
2010-09-26 14:50:39
Ramuh.Haseyo[Report] Score: 12
Alright ladies, take it outside.
2010-09-26 15:22:56
Bismarck.Rinomaru[Report] Score: 8
Hah i like it..
Doesn't represent FFXI but other FF sure.
2010-09-26 15:43:33
Leviathan.Brisingr[Report] Score: 1
I thought it was funny as hell..
2010-09-29 16:18:17
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: -1
Wow i think Cordareo has the lowest rated score i've ever seen on a screenshot >.>
2010-09-27 03:48:43
Bismarck.Kyaaadaa[Report] Score: -3
almost reminds me of the picture for that free MMO, Rivals or sommat.
2010-09-27 05:26:36
Bismarck.Dierdreh[Report] Score: -3
So much drama over a picture...and it doesn't even have a woman (who apparently may be a man)showing her *** or a picture of a Mithra with camel toe or hairy boobs! The world is coming to an end! Oh the humanity!!!!!!!
2010-09-27 12:15:14
Ramuh.Dasva Show Score: -18
Booo. Your picture is bad and you should feel bad too
2010-09-26 18:16:02
Bismarck.Cordareo Show Score: -113
This isn't a good picture for representing Firaga II. Also, it's not funny.

Edit: Wow Degs, why don't you grow the *** up and not attack someone's opinion of a picture.
2010-09-26 15:02:35