How the hell is it wasted? Im sure the player probably had these for a long time and put them to a lot of use... who cares if its out dated, its still awesome, its not ***. Its still something to aim for, its not expensive anymore. Alot of it is probably still useful.
While a Yhel Jacket is overall better for damage than morri, the damage increase is really not that large. You'd need the +1 to make a real difference and with glavoid being what he is, this item is incredibly hard to even get A single wing, much less 2 and then the chances at an HQ are so low...
I'll stick with my morri robe, it is hardly outdated. After all, go look and see who all has even a nq yhel in the owned or equipped lists.
You throw away an Ares's cuirass.
You throw away a pair of Skadi's jambeaux.
You throw away an Ares's flanchard.
You throw away a pair of Ares's sollerets.
You throw away a pair of Usukane hizayoroi.
You throw away a Morrigan's robe.
You throw away a pair of Skadi's chausses.