SE isn't caring about new players because they'll be attracted to XIV now. It takes so much time for XI to be productive it doesn't matter for the new guys :/
its sad.... its nice SE fixed it for those who simply can't get a PT with FoV an all. but now that its 99% imposable to get one.. they need to step up and rethink solo lv1-abysses
Its really ridiculous how SE is screwing over any new people that would start playing this game. FoV is not an answer... if you could do more than 1 per game day, then yeah. Stop thinking about end-game SE and focus on new players
I hope SE does something to balance out non-abyssea pts/solo play that way new players or players of low level jobs can actualy enjoy the game as well. it dosent need to be made as great as an abyssea pt but at least more bearable. giving more options is never a bad thing.