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Screenshots » id:48565
05/9/2010 Wraiths abyssea event
Score: 3.86
Votes: 21
Classification Player » Erva
Tags Atma we got =P
Date Submitted 2010-09-06 00:06:14
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Comments (5)
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 4
@Karbuncle Simply because it could take 3 min rather than 15 min, I'm sure they were doing the zone as a linkshell, so they figured people need it, let's do it.
2010-09-06 13:16:52
Phoenix.Ceorl[Report] Score: -1
@Karbuncle You are funny. Did you see "05/9/2010 Wraiths abyssea event"? Of course not stupid to brought 15 people Only to kill this.
2010-09-06 22:07:16
Cerberus.Savannah[Report] Score: -2
*sniffles* i want my neck piece ; ;
2010-09-06 11:54:00
Cerberus.Superman[Report] Score: -3
i have killed this with just 3 people. easyly. gotten this drom 10 or so times now out of 20ish its not that rare of a drop for drifter, or helm. but the neck peace is a pain.
2010-09-06 10:36:54
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: -7
Congrats on the Atma, I know its a terrible drop rate without triggering a Red "!!"

Still, knowing Red "!!" only come from Elemental Weaponskills does make it easier to trigger o-o;

Get anything else done that day? Not trying to insult the picture but I was just curious if you brought 15 people and 3 healers to just kill Khalamari O_O;;

Also, Whos the lucky owner of that hat?
2010-09-06 03:00:32