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1100 WS worth of Scythe!
Score: 5.79
Votes: 19
Classification Item » Reckoning
Tags Reckoning, Scythe
Date Submitted 2010-09-04 13:27:10
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Comments (9)
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 20
Everyone really focuses on that Spiral Hell DMG+10% and completely ignores how this is a very easily obtainable DMG:109 scythe. >_>;
2010-09-04 20:18:55
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: 4
+1 Kyrial

Seriously guys, stop looking at the bit that says spiral hell, and look at the bit that says 88+21 DMG.
2010-09-05 02:04:43
Cerberus.Cruxus[Report] Score: 0
I'm kinda surprised that people aren't realizing that there are going to be more upgrades in future updates (Wednesday's hopefully) which the effect may turn into something like "All WS DMG: +10~20%" This is speaking for all weapons of this type, so while the current end of trials for these weapons may be mediocre/useless/situational future upgrades may prove different.
2010-09-04 20:00:30
Titan.Darkestknight[Report] Score: 0
Bet the level 99 augment, really wipes the floor with all other trial weapons.
2010-09-05 05:42:53
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: -4
Even if you were in that .1% chance that spiral hell is even a good idea you'd be better off using martial since it is still crap unless it's at 300% and getting there 1.5X as fast is better than 10% more dmg
2010-09-05 01:40:47
Bismarck.Touvan[Report] Score: -5
Why do the damage 109 one when you can just as easily make a scythe that has the potential to 5hit? last I checked Guillotine in 1 less hit > +4dmg. inb4ratedown
2010-09-05 17:21:28
Alexander.Aikido[Report] Score: -9
Who the hell is gonna use Spiral Hell anyways?? Not even good unless you sub THF and use SA with 300% TP. How often do you see a DRK use THF sub nowadays??? Never.........
2010-09-05 00:30:18
Phoenix.Kirana Show Score: -11
Maybe awesome when you have 300% TP?
2010-09-04 16:07:49
Cerberus.Krispy Show Score: -12
In most situations this scythe is pretty useless. You're better off getting more dps using guillotine on most mobs & HNMs. Would be good for DRK/THF but who uses that anymore :x
2010-09-04 17:32:15