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Screenshots » id:46962
Baba Yaga Killing
Score: 3.52
Votes: 21
Classification Player » Shadowlina
Tags Shadowlina NM killing Aristo belt
Date Submitted 2010-08-02 05:54:33
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Comments (4)
Sylph.Shadowlina[Report] Score: 4
Ok Ill explain this XD. I threw in CraftyClyvonne.
But before i popped her i checked my recast time was at 1 minuite.
Popped her.
Set pet on and ran some distance.
Then resummoned it when needed.
towards the end of the fight feel free to melee.
this took about 15 minuite all together, takes only 3 CraftyC
2010-08-02 14:36:16
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 1
Baba Yaga doesn't melee at all, so Counter and Guard are pointless, but FlowerpotMerle's high HP is more than reason enough to use him instead of Clyvonne.
2010-08-02 20:12:43
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 0
Edit: Awesome, sounds like a pretty easy fight, i'd imagine two BST's could duo it with little to no effort, and maybe 1 pet swap =O!
2010-08-02 14:41:57
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard[Report] Score: 0
Maby try it with FlowerpotMerle (Vermihumus) has counter, guard, and kick attacks. You might be able to do it with only 2 pets.
2010-08-02 15:14:57