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15 hour pt in abyssea tahrongi
Score: 8.35
Votes: 34
Classification Player » Xiza
Date Submitted 2010-07-31 19:03:19
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Comments (5)
Cerberus.Kvazz[Report] Score: 9
Well that's not a bad piece!
2010-07-31 20:19:00
Bismarck.Elanabelle[Report] Score: 5
Could combine this with Hospitalier Earring and augmented Blitzer Poleyn for total 13% cure potency on PLD.
That would turn a 350 Cure IV into a 395 Cure IV. Over time, in a lengthy battle, that will matter.
2010-07-31 21:58:11
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 1
I should have been more clear, Gread for idling when not -Meleeing-, Because when you're meleeing on PLD or WAR you're likely aiming to get TP at some point making W.Turban better! Rather it be for KJ/RR or Atonement =)

Its a great idle piece and Cure Potency piece for WAR and (cure-sake) PLD, but its more-akin to Refresh pieces on BLM, you idle in them, but you don't nuke in them, in the same vain you'd idle in this, but not melee in it.

So to that extent, its wonderful for Kited fights, Mobs you can't melee on reliably because of TP spam or just plain can't melee (JoL), and just all around sitting around after fights or before fights.

(and of course cure potency/Cure cheat macro =))

I'm not saying this item isn't as AWESOME as it looks, it really is Game-breakingly awesome, +3HP/tic regen on ONE slot, its 2points from the spell that's on 100% of the time, Its an Amazing head piece, and irreplaceable for its situations! Absolutely Brilliant head armor.
2010-08-01 00:44:10
Fairy.Heillon[Report] Score: 1
You seem very potent... Might I consider donating?
2010-08-01 05:04:10
Shiva.Probester Show Score: -10
Good for an idle build with regen or macroing it in some how for a cure pot but 3% wont do much ud need more
2010-07-31 21:04:56