Sephiroth was one bad mother *** (literally, given the chance), and I'm damn sure most of you agreed when you played FFVII. I also think this version of Masamune is awesome, however impracticable blademaster Nomadikhan says it is in combat.
I'm not about to name my character/cat/dog/child after him like a little fanboy, but I'm not going to try and deny he was a damn cool character. Remember kids, anti-fanboyism is just as bad as fanboyism itself.
Because he's cool. All fanboys love him. Clearly FFXI is too evolved. You know all your hater *** watched Advent Children and squee'd. Quit being so damn negative.
Lol, this is gonna turn into some FF7 fanboy barbecue, or a Kefka > Sephiroth debate...even though Sephiroth really had the Masamune in 7's canon, and putting anyone else wouldn't make sense.