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Screenshots » id:43754
Score: 4.75
Votes: 40
Classification Player » Erac
Date Submitted 2010-06-10 16:36:01
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Comments (4)
Ragnarok.Erac[Report] Score: -1
no brd, cor, or triple attack. nin sub also!
2010-06-10 17:08:36
Odin.Southie[Report] Score: -1
Looks to me like alot of STR DA and crit on one of the hits or both depending on str. lets just say gekko is 1k with elemental gorget +.1/1000=100 Erac's numbers are awefully close. and yes of course he was using a pole grip, that and or brutal. How else could he Double attack?
2011-05-17 09:20:56
Ragnarok.Deathshift[Report] Score: -2
you do realize that there's a body that has triple attack on it? <.<
2010-06-25 19:03:00
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: -6
Somebody has been busy rating down...

Downrater, U MAD?

Anyways, that is some sexy damage, and /NIN o.o Were you using a Pole Grip?
2010-06-10 21:55:15