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Screenshots » id:42627
Score: 3.83
Votes: 12
Classification Player » Ironbull
Tags Yea, originally Ramses, but Ramsos on Titan
Date Submitted 2010-05-26 04:22:01
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Comments (6)
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking[Report] Score: 6
It's great at solo, has the ability to heal/DD and in some instances tank. Good to have for stun like limbus farm. Good in sky /thf. Decent in sea, as well as any other non-blm anyway. Good for ZNM/VNM, especially with headbutt spam.

The list goes on. You're either trolling or no one invites u to those events because ur a full AF blu, your pick. And last I checked it was blu/thfs suicide cannonballing that did the most dmg, I also wasnt aware that PW was the only thing that endgame meant. Try harder.
2010-05-26 05:49:31
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 5
It must be opposite day
2010-05-26 14:53:08
Titan.Wombat[Report] Score: 3
Ramsos has a solid and well-geared BLU. This is either a joke or taken out of context. He was actually on BLU/THF last night for Kirin, lol.
2010-05-26 16:45:45
Titan.Ramsos[Report] Score: 2
I love blu and have a well geared blu. Blu isnt exactly the most usefull job in the game, but its good form some thing much like every job. I dont even remember when or why I said this, though I am prone to getting high and saying dumb ***.

Also, I am not Ramses on ifrit, ive always been Ramsos on ifrit and titan lol.
2010-05-27 20:30:28
Asura.Oblisk[Report] Score: -3
get yourself into a real end game shell and see how pointless they are on pandemonium warden.
2010-05-26 05:05:45
Leviathan.Amazedmc[Report] Score: -8
thats the trues argument i've ever seen
2010-05-26 04:38:26