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Screenshots » id:42546
Score: 3.21
Votes: 29
Classification Player » Mofongo
Date Submitted 2010-05-25 13:57:27
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Comments (10)
Sylph.Akibakei[Report] Score: 14
Looks like jealousy to me. someone with that much gil to be able to augment anything. this is a troll pic.
2010-05-25 15:53:35
Sylph.Vincentius[Report] Score: 8
And they clearly never planned on selling any of that. You can clearly see they're not hurting for gil either.
2010-05-25 14:53:36
Fenrir.Thandar[Report] Score: 7
Don't see how attack 3 on Alky's is fail, it's not three attack better then it was before.
2010-05-25 15:09:13
Odin.Mikumaru[Report] Score: 5
i dont quite see how getting + atk on Alky is a fail....... negitive STR or ATK yea but +3...... just dont know
2010-05-25 15:13:15
Phoenix.Degs[Report] Score: 0
even tho attack +3 on alky brac. isnt the greatest its not epic fail.... I really wish if you got a crap augment you could fight the mob again kinda like you do for the weapon augment fights... and be able to get something better!
2010-05-25 15:07:00
Ramuh.Deijixfx[Report] Score: 0
"Just like in rl, you can have gil and then lose it"

To the national bank of gil! *puts on cape*
2010-05-25 17:30:22
Diabolos.Ghlin[Report] Score: 0
someone is jellyous
2010-05-25 17:19:47
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] Score: -3
You forgot to put a "fail" pointing at the grip and lack of a better xhit.
2010-05-25 18:33:39
Unicorn.Boric Show Score: -11
Vincentius the "negative" is in the fact that he can't sell those items anymore! big fail i would have never augmented any of those items.
2010-05-25 14:30:24
Cerberus.Mofongo Show Score: -20
My reason for fail is not cuz then wont be able to sell it, its because he didnt got anything befenicial in it. So thats why i say fail,and yeah, the alky one was a mistake. thats a win. but look at those.... Ppl can have the gil, but in the future they maybe dont have. Just like in rl, you can have gil and then lose it.
2010-05-25 15:46:24