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Score: 7.76
Votes: 29
Classification Item » Nocturnus Helm
Date Submitted 2010-05-24 23:23:04
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Comments (6)
Asura.Haezn[Report] Score: 11
Seeing as how he was only getting hit for 15-30 dmg, he probably only had lost 90 HP and could only recover that much...
2010-05-25 01:59:04
Valefor.Prothescar[Report] Score: 3
I can definitely confirm that Nocturnus gear absorbs the entire attack, but only actually heals you for and shows you a number based on how much HP you need to be at 100%.
2010-05-25 03:06:31
Cerberus.Retinn[Report] Score: -2
Shell reduces 10k needles from rapido, but maybe 10k is different from 1k in terms of damage type? Nice proc though!
2010-05-25 12:18:39
Alexander.Almostunsane Show Score: -10
Isn't 1000 Needles magic damage...?
2010-05-25 00:41:52
Shiva.Khimaira Show Score: -11
1000 Needles (Cactuar) is Physical, 1000 Needles (Blue Mage) is Magical.

I was more suprised that only 9% was absorbed, is this always the case?
2010-05-25 01:41:11
Lakshmi.Ashido Show Score: -12
so fail tmoc ,
2010-05-25 00:40:19