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Screenshots » id:41562
Score: 2.21
Votes: 48
Classification Player » Fullen
Tags photo I love GMs, so const
Date Submitted 2010-05-11 11:27:45
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Comments (12)
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] Score: 11
You seriously GM'd someone for this? Are you the same kid that reminded the teacher to assign homework when the bell rang?
2010-05-11 13:39:43
Bahamut.Striker[Report] Score: 8
So, you're sitting there using windower, a 3rd party tool, and you're trying to report someone who's using windower to type in japanese. Yes there is a plugin for it as long as you have the language pack installed. I'm not hating on windower users, because most people use it, just pointing out the irony.
2010-05-11 14:42:45
Hades.Cheyne[Report] Score: 6
Wow, so someone maybe used copy+paste and you're just being a big baby about it?
2010-05-11 11:28:59
Odin.Potpressure[Report] Score: 5
Sounds like a snitch to me. I'm sure you could have used that GM call to report a real problem other than a NA trying to carry out a conversation with a JP or w.e it was.
2010-05-11 12:52:53
Sylph.Lyeria[Report] Score: 2
alot ocming from someone with timestamp active. genius.
2010-05-11 16:00:02
Lakshmi.Hypnotizd[Report] Score: 0

You do realize that "bind sysrq screenshot png hide" does not hide the timestamp plugin? Idiot.
2010-06-01 17:02:07
Garuda.Fullen[Report] Score: -1
does everyone on this forum have downs or something? made it pretty clear i wasn't actually reporting anyone >.>
2010-05-11 18:31:46
Valefor.Xaijin[Report] Score: -1
ure truly a loller lmao how ppl idiot and IGNORANT CAN BEH?
2010-06-10 10:13:00
Sylph.Darkillusion[Report] Score: -5
"Auto-translate glitch" my ***, when that happens it is only you who see it, all the messages you send translate correctly.
2010-05-14 01:05:23
Lakshmi.Fullen[Report] Score: -6
ok, to all the morons making assumptions, my account is currently LM-17 because a windower glitch turned auto translate into some random ***and i got reported, i made this GM call from another account afterwards to check their policy, some *** GM obviously wanted to be judge, jury and executioner with me.
2010-05-11 14:32:47