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Screenshots » id:41296
Score: 8.36
Votes: 25
Classification Player » Darkwonder
Tags ffxi screenshot
Date Submitted 2010-05-06 23:37:08
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Comments (7)
Leviathan.Amazedmc[Report] Score: 2
i dont get why so much ppl always mad D:
i havent seen much augments with +4 stats, safes +1 Inventory space.

2010-05-07 04:33:06
Bismarck.Nalien[Report] Score: 1

Quick, delete whoever's comment it was that complimented on your "pretty sweet ice resistance"
2010-05-07 00:05:40
Diabolos.Trangnai[Report] Score: 1
Perfect for rdm you ask me. this + Omega ftw.
2010-05-07 11:01:28
Unicorn.Darkwonder[Report] Score: 1
You sir are wrong, this was from the VoS FOV NM.
2010-05-08 11:18:54
Bahamut.Samunai[Report] Score: 0
Nice one :) indeed, saves up 1 invi space. And as rdm you can nuke and land a enfeebling nicely, and as blm, you can acutally cure yourself after being hated D:

2010-05-07 07:07:56
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: -5
Hey look... still worse than any +5 int or +5 mnd ring for ANYTHING you can cast that it matters except some blu nukes.

Only saves space if you are not going to use something that is cheap easy to get and better
2010-05-07 16:24:30
Ragnarok.Lagunabel Show Score: -23
Sweet, gimp ring turned into still gimp ring plus one!

Besides the ice resistance, which is great, not like any of you need it, though.
2010-05-07 00:04:53