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Screenshots » id:41017
Score: 5.59
Votes: 32
Classification Player » Onepenny
Tags ffxi screenshot Jobs
Date Submitted 2010-05-03 11:13:42
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Comments (10)
Siren.Clinpachi[Report] Score: 8
lol be careful, this is how the Maat's cap desire starts, i started out taking all jobs to 37 then 50 myself and look what happened to me >_>
2010-05-03 12:37:06
Sylph.Akibakei[Report] Score: 7
Nice, all subjobs ready for the upgrade!
2010-05-03 11:56:31
Phoenix.Zeotah[Report] Score: 4
Someone's ready for 99 it looks like!
2010-05-03 13:14:18
Gilgamesh.Onepenny[Report] Score: 1
its a game... you supose to have fun and I have fun doing xp with my friends

Anyway, I was aiming at maat's cap when 99 level news came out and xp is the only thing that gives me both fun & a goal... cause lets face it... im not going to spend hours and hours in events to get mid level gear (read 75)
2010-05-06 08:04:17
Pandemonium.Bonlack[Report] Score: 1
why is it when I look at pics of things ppl accomplish there always has to be one asswipe to put down someone. If you cant find anything constructive to say then stfu b/c no one cares about you. Grats to you onepenny for getting your character ready for the update and getting all those lvls.
2010-05-03 13:13:52
Lakshmi.Xaiiver[Report] Score: 1
i agree with Siren@Clinpachi. Either he/she aim for Maat Hat or not, atleast fully ready new level cap.
2010-05-03 15:11:45
Gilgamesh.Shayala[Report] Score: 1
Congratulations. :)

I wouldn't have the patience to get all jobs to 50 so am only going to level subs i'll need.
2010-06-05 10:40:40
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: -1
Obsessive compulsion is obsessive?
2010-05-03 19:13:45
Caitsith.Zabimaru[Report] Score: -5
shouldn't they be 49? 99/49 no?
2010-05-03 13:59:46
Leviathan.Mazinkaiser[Report] Score: -8
congrats I guess. However, with so much ABing going on, and Im not pointing the finger at you, these type of stats become trivial.
2010-05-03 12:03:37