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Screenshots » id:40539
Classification Player » Evira
Date Submitted 2010-04-26 23:57:07
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Comments (4)
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking[Report] Score: 0
It requires patience at running into the one outward plank protruding at the ships side. Not really anything special though.
2010-04-27 13:26:17
Cerberus.Ferth[Report] Score: 0
There is a section on the on the port side of the ship at the railing just a bit back from the back end of the stairwell that when you run along the railing stops you from moving along it. If you hit it just right you hop up onto the railing. Beyond that it's just a matter of practice and luck.
2010-04-27 18:34:14
Bismarck.Recaldy[Report] Score: 0
I play on PC and I still can't gett that glitch to work.
2010-04-27 11:23:26
Caitsith.Nonch[Report] Score: -3
good one!
2010-04-27 03:24:44