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Screenshots » id:39554
Score: 2.14
Votes: 22
Classification Player » Leeey
Date Submitted 2010-04-12 16:21:24
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Comments (9)
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 5
Yeah alot of things are easy to tank with a full allaince or more
2010-04-12 22:38:33
Phoenix.Avelle[Report] Score: 5
You seem to be missing a shield.
2010-04-12 19:06:05
Sylph.Staleyx[Report] Score: 1
Missing shield, joytoy serving no purpose at all. Koenig body.. etc etc
2010-04-12 23:11:51
Cerberus.Neojuggernaut[Report] Score: 0
Some of you people that post on these pictures are just stupid...
2010-10-07 21:09:58
Valefor.Argettio[Report] Score: -1
Learn to Earth/Terra Staff.

You obviously aren't gonna melee it, but come on, you could have sent 20% of your healers away to do some thing else (like farm another set) if you bothered to spend 10k.
2010-04-13 06:52:32
Cerberus.Leeey[Report] Score: -2
it was just after a macro change, i was using earth staff before (kinda obvious since i wasnt using a shield... why would i equip joytoy and not a shield?) i just like posting pics of stuff ive tanked.

for real tho :/ ppl commenting need to sort your ***out does every picture taken for me (notice the me) need to be awesome, perfect gear, perfect spot etc? im not out to impress ppl i just liked tanking it and posted a picture.
2010-04-14 06:16:20
Bahamut.Sakurawr[Report] Score: -2
He's also tanking backwards due to gaze attacks :q
So shield wouldn't help.
2010-04-13 03:00:52
Cerberus.Arteus[Report] Score: -3
gd ***bro
2010-04-12 17:51:08
Lakshmi.Blacklion[Report] Score: -5
Guess hes showing how easy to tank lord ruthven is, i agree, simple mob!
2010-04-12 22:16:32