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Screenshots » id:37402
Score: 1.92
Votes: 12
Classification Item » Rindomaru
Date Submitted 2010-03-13 00:38:53
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Comments (4)
Fairy.Vincentius[Report] Score: 0
It's a shame that Store TP wasn't +15, then it would have been usable.

In before the rate-downs for not applauding something you shouldn't use.
2010-03-13 01:11:55
Asura.Calatilla[Report] Score: 0
why do people rate down everything that isnt Hagun. Hagun is over priced anyway
2010-05-08 09:17:17
Ifrit.Eikechi[Report] Score: -1
That's my Rindo. Its actually quite nice. I still get my 6 hit build with it, so 15 STP wouldn't have made a diff I don't think.
2010-03-19 00:36:33
Seraph.Touvan[Report] Score: -2
2010-03-14 05:10:05