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Screenshots » id:37045
Score: 6.82
Votes: 17
Classification Player » Tuvae
Tags ffxi screenshot Antipation Saves Lives, briefly.
Date Submitted 2010-03-07 15:58:36
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Comments (4)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 4
The chance of third eye being removed is based on how long its been up.

So for Instance it has say a 5% Chance to wear off on attack from 1-3 Seconds, 10% from 4-7, 15 from 8-12 etc etc (Those are made up but the its to show the gist of it)

So when a mob say uses hundred fists or you have multiple mobs attacking you theres a higher chance for multiple anticipations because its a % Chance to remove third eye not a specific amount of shadows per use =0
2010-03-07 17:13:23
Bismarck.Recaldy[Report] Score: -1
Reminds me of anticipating a full 11 swings from a thf with Kclub in Ballista. ; )
2010-03-08 03:49:48
Ragnarok.Daffel[Report] Score: -2
Its not the sort of place you can just roam free -.-;
2010-03-09 14:28:57
Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn[Report] Score: -2
heh this kinda reminds me of seigan + third eye before it got nerfed ^^ those were fun days
2010-03-08 13:57:24