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Screenshots » id:35544
Score: 1.45
Votes: 20
Classification Item » Aristocrat's Coat
Date Submitted 2010-02-16 02:33:27
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Comments (2)
Seraph.Kyaaadaa[Report] Score: 6
2010-02-16 03:33:48
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 5
Could have got a shitty augment and they're going to restore it Via GM.

Or they could be on a private server doing it for the lulz

Could also have been quitting the game (and will be back in a week or two wondering why they'd been so dumb!)

But if its none of that... theres always the most fallback answer!

They're a Moron!
2010-02-16 08:35:57