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Screenshots » id:31977
Score: 8.74
Votes: 38
Classification Player » Phed
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Date Submitted 2009-12-28 07:02:59
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Comments (17)
Alexander.Erdrick[Report] Score: 10
Now go call those friends and family you've completely ignored and forgot about for the last few years.. see if they still remember you.
2009-12-29 00:01:19
Ragnarok.Shadowknoll[Report] Score: 8
GL with customer support HAHAHA its hell on earth.
2009-12-28 11:30:09
Garuda.Fullen[Report] Score: 5
ruh oh
2009-12-28 10:53:22
Cerberus.Artemys[Report] Score: 2
Lately a lot of Lm-17s are Credit Card Issues were they are denied or changed, and SE thinks you're trying to chargeback or something.
2009-12-29 02:42:41
Remora.Mitsurughy[Report] Score: 2
I know the guy, he didnt bot/hack anything. trying to figure out wtf happened :S
2009-12-29 01:10:32
Pandemonium.Zella[Report] Score: 1
"People don't get banned for botting, that's just silly."

I hope that's not true. I want some reason other than my love of endless hours of synthesis & farming to not bot.
2009-12-29 22:00:15
Ragnarok.Boxworm[Report] Score: 0
Ktjrn, many people get banned for absolutely no reason. It happens in every online game. And with the amount of RMT there are now (on Raggy anyways), it seems SE is passing out bans left and right, without proper investigation. Phed, best of luck getting your char back (if that is what you intend to do).
2009-12-29 14:21:34
Cerberus.Kurosen[Report] Score: 0
I know someone that got the 14 day trial and played for one day, I PL her in West Saur. Next day BAN HAMMER, wth SE
2010-02-04 16:45:47
Remora.Hackstealandbot[Report] Score: -1
lol that sucks, good luck on figuring it out
2009-12-28 19:56:00
Caitsith.Pikarya[Report] Score: -3
Must of been Windower. EH GUY?
2009-12-29 15:04:10