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Screenshots » id:30521
Score: 5.21
Votes: 28
Classification Player » Kraise
Date Submitted 2009-12-04 15:31:26
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Comments (6)
Alexander.Naraku[Report] Score: 1
I'd say solo'd as RDM/NIN and yes with APRadar.
2009-12-05 12:12:58
Bahamut.Playerauron[Report] Score: 1
Nice Congratulation ^^ what i need to do that same with my BLM xDD
2009-12-05 08:49:54
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 0
You have to use APRadar or change the .dat to like a dhalmel or something. Or get extremely lucky.
2009-12-05 14:05:10
Alexander.Therealchibo[Report] Score: -1
i'm very confused did she/he solo this or was it with a group? If he/she solo'd what job were they. I know BLU can solo but this is either SCH RDM BLM considering there was Aero III involved with the finishing kill for the chest.
2009-12-05 11:34:53
Ragnarok.Inga[Report] Score: -4
damn you got the torque as well!
2009-12-05 02:53:47
Shiva.Xellith[Report] Score: -5
I wonder if you did this legitimately or whether you used apradar...
2009-12-05 03:41:45