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Screenshots » id:30400
Score: 8.08
Votes: 12
Classification Player » Beaster
Tags ffxi screenshot
Date Submitted 2009-12-02 15:06:36
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Comments (5)
Midgardsormr.Moonsshadow[Report] Score: 2
2009-12-02 16:29:24
Diabolos.Beaster[Report] Score: 1
No clue how this happened. And it cured itself next time it tried to cast a spell.
2009-12-02 17:10:31
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 0
The way i understand it is its a glitch with the mobs AI.

For instance if its targeting a pet or another play who dies mid-cast it will basically "Auto-target" the next person and if its mid-spell it will glitch and cause the cure spell to cast on you.

Also sometimes it just reads cure as an Offensive spell (Thanks to undead), and casts it on a player.

I've had Shadowhand cast Cure 1 on me in campaign, despite the fact... shes undead... and doesn't possess cure spells, that was a fun screenshot x.x
2009-12-02 20:49:41
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 0
I've had a Hoo Mjuu's Elemental Cure V me once :3
2010-04-29 16:37:14
Asura.Dajociont[Report] Score: -1
One of the trance belt/genie gages NMs casted cure on me right before it was going to kill me, the rdm one. I was at like 110ish health and it cured me to almost 600. If it ain't broken don't fix it!
2009-12-02 17:20:54