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Score: 7.93
Votes: 15
Classification Item » Ebon Frock
Tags crafting clothcraft materials
Date Submitted 2009-11-11 18:28:31
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Comments (10)
Siren.Enternius[Report] Score: 22
Holy frock.
2009-11-11 19:12:09
Gilgamesh.Funsam[Report] Score: 6
It not s/e that set prices its players. so farm items & get crafters to craft it & stop blaming s/e for everything
2009-12-02 02:51:40
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: 4
All the new Ebon (Furia/Ebur) gear is level 91-100 crafting, and usually requires two sub-crafts (probably at 60). They all require stupidly expensive ingredients, including ingredients off new NMs. Synergy will add 3 extra stats on top of what's already on them, so it's those stats that will determine whether they are worth attempting or not.
2009-11-13 03:30:46
Pandemonium.Nususu[Report] Score: 1
I'm interested to see if there's more to the equipment made by these. If you take a look, the stats definitely don't justify the cost of creation. Possible candidates for the Evolith system?
2009-11-11 20:47:10
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 1
So much for affordable.
2009-11-11 19:40:24
Fenrir.Nightfyre[Report] Score: 0
For the small benefits the final pieces give, the price in mats for this stage alone is *** ridiculous. Thank you SE for giving us yet another way to piss away our hard-earned gil.
2009-11-11 23:02:37
Bahamut.Fyyvoaa[Report] Score: 0
Ah yes, another piece for the rich to wear around for a e-peen item, gg SE *** over all us poor people yet again -_-
2009-11-11 23:24:20
Leviathan.Zeitx[Report] Score: -5
Wow...can't wait to see what the other pieces need...thanks SE
2009-11-11 19:46:16
Valefor.Lynkux[Report] Score: -5
Good Job SE, "Lets make armor more customizable, but lets make it cost a crap ton!"
2009-11-12 02:25:02
Cerberus.Eanae[Report] Score: -5
Ah yes, another piece for the rich to wear around for a e-peen item, gg SE *** over all us poor people yet again -_-

2009-11-21 22:09:58