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Screenshots » id:28765
Score: 5.65
Votes: 17
Classification Item » Saurian Helm
Date Submitted 2009-11-07 04:27:01
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Comments (3)
Ragnarok.Tariyavetil[Report] Score: 5
Use job ability Deep Breathing

/equip Head "Drachen Armet";
/equip Neck "Chanoix's Gorget";
/equip Hands "Ostreger Mitts";
/equip Legs "Drachen Brais";
/equip Body "Wyvern Mail";
/ma Dia <t>;
/wait 2
/equip Head "Saurian Helm";
2009-11-07 04:37:49
Bahamut.Bojack[Report] Score: 2
Probably, but I would say Brais +1 and Wyrm Armet instead of Saurian Helm :P. They most likely have Homam Gambieras as well.

Edit: LMAO, I didn't notice it was the same person that added the screenshot :P. Well, can still upgrade a few more things and maybe break 900 ^^.
2009-11-07 06:57:43
Siren.Enternius Show Score: -10
And Wyrm Armet is still better for Healing Breath.
2009-11-07 06:50:48