grats on the Zmail man. its a fantastic piece of gear. don't listen to that a$$ Ilolatyou. Just continue working towards getting the best gear you can get for DRG. Its because of a$$e$ like him why alot of people prefer to play WoW. If you got nothing good to say might as well keep your mouth shut.
I just wanted to say grats on Zmail as well. I agree with Tsuna as well. Negativity is so uncalled for. Keep it up man and gl in your future endeavours.
You know what i dont get jackass like Ilolatyou keep on telling people How to gear and yet i bet you 20 mil Tuvae can Out Damage him and is not @ his mom's Basement... isn't that just awsome
Ilolatyou is just butt hurt that he has no friends and cant make good gilz so Ilolatyou, i'm loling at you for being a loser. on a side good job Zmail is a good body plus it just looks cool to idle around in :D