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Screenshots » id:28229
Score: 6.17
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Date Submitted 2009-10-30 11:36:04
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Comments (14)
Pandemonium.Symrustar[Report] Score: 2
Ecoutez pas tous ces abrutis qui se moquent parceque c'est pas d'l'anglais, c'est prétentieux et pathétique. J'ai le jeu en anglais, mais c'est un plaisir de voir des français poster sur ffxiah! Surtout quand ce sont des screenshots interressantes à regarder :D Félicitations!
2009-10-30 13:40:11
Fairy.Phatdade[Report] Score: 1
It's French. They have great kisses, great fries, and awesome mustard.
2009-10-30 13:27:56
Fairy.Bastion[Report] Score: 1
Merc Kriss, Albatross Ring, Cone calamary, and Panmamamaa milk (i think)

"Kriss Lunatique" sounds a lot better than Mercurial Kriss imo.
2009-10-30 13:26:33
Gilgamesh.Korb[Report] Score: 1
On fait un duo d'enfer ;). L'une des nombreuses Mercurial Kris dropées ensemble, sauf que celle-ci je m'en souviens, tu me l'as donné pour mon THF, encore merci ^^. En Espérant qu'on en drop d'autres :).
2009-10-30 15:37:28
Lakshmi.Prinnysmash[Report] Score: 0
So let's see, it's French, and yes it's M. Kris. Lunatique must mean Mercurial? though it sounds more moon related than mercury... oh well. Also Barnacled Box is a dead give away.
2009-10-30 12:53:16
Shiva.Shabba[Report] Score: 0
Ultra GG ca !!!

lol Korb !!!!

c'est GG!
2009-10-30 13:18:55
Seraph.Greyfin[Report] Score: -1
M Kris?
2009-10-30 11:49:38
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: -1
It's sad how so many English-speakers are incapable of recogising cognates or using context clues.

@Yagisegi: you know what ironic even means?
2009-10-30 13:46:59
Quetzalcoatl.Pandorrra[Report] Score: -2
M Kris for sure, theres the albatross ring that comes with it.
2009-10-30 12:07:24
Garuda.Yagisegi[Report] Score: -3
"It's sad how so many English-speakers are incapable of recongising cognates or using context clues."

It's also amazing how so many English speakers have zero unerstanding of when somebody is being sarcastic or ironic.
2009-10-30 13:34:38