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Screenshots » id:27835
Score: 7.96
Votes: 23
Classification Player » Miradj
Tags ffxi screenshot Hachi feet augment eraser
Date Submitted 2009-10-25 15:45:29
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Comments (6)
Bismarck.Anuket[Report] Score: 5
grats !
2009-10-25 18:06:36
Lakshmi.Drekien[Report] Score: 5
wow very nice
2009-10-25 18:18:44
Phoenix.Cinnabun[Report] Score: 2
Better than Rutter's for YGK congrats!
2009-10-25 17:24:28
Pandemonium.Vincentius[Report] Score: 1
Y/G/K Have an immense attack boost, making them near or capped attack on almost everything, so yes, these -ARE- better than Rutter Sabatons. It's a small difference, but they're better, plain and simple.
Rutters might be better for Yuki and Kasha, due to Gekko having a larger attack boost, but I'd still just use these.
2009-10-26 09:37:22
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 0
Very Nice, but somehow I doubt the 1STR more than Rutters over the attack boost is "better". It's very debatable and at best, comes down to the hundredths (0.01). It's the MP that really brings this to the next tier of Samurai gear.
2009-10-25 22:07:48
Midgardsormr.Giffor[Report] Score: -5
no thats not better than rutters but thats not a bad alternative.
2009-10-25 23:55:27