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Screenshots » id:26090
Score: 1.00
Votes: 13
Classification Player » Roxanreborn
Date Submitted 2009-09-26 22:19:01
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Comments (4)
Remora.Deception[Report] Score: 3
Roxanreborn is in ExodusLS thats how they roll.
2009-09-27 17:37:18
Remora.Narse[Report] Score: 3
To my understanding: Teeko was a character that was bought when his previous character was banned. The guy later sold the account and recalled it. The guy he recalled it from spent a lot of time and effort finding out his info and called to get the PW reset/token removed, and trashed the account just so Teeko wouldn't have it anymore, since he stole the account from the guy who is seen here hacking it.
2009-09-29 20:10:12
Pandemonium.Rathz[Report] Score: 1
so uhh... why exactly did he hack this guy and delete all his ***?
2009-09-27 02:10:59
Valefor.Lynkux[Report] Score: 1
Seriously... i mean, all you managed to do was show that your an immature little piss ant, who has no trouble in screwing people over, then gloating about it... WTF man... seriously
2009-09-27 03:00:47