Last i checked DMG:95 > DMG:93/94 when the Stats are the same or Compairable.
also the Flash proc rate is probably 6%, from what i can tell with the Pixie Weapons, Added Effect: Elemental Damage the "+Number" means the Maximum Damage it can deal, and with Add Eff: Debuff the "+number" is the proc rate.
@ Darsha: If u rly think that mezy+1 is better than vfork... hmm.. you dont know nothing about drgs and 6hit build:D
I own a skystrider + earring, and would be nice to parse a 95dmg pole vs skystrider to test how much the +2dmg can help drgs output^^ 0/15 for a +5 dmg, and i've never recieved a flash+ pole :(
"Impairs Evasion" is so huge in alot of circumstances. Have to plug in all the factors in the damage equation <alot>. Yeah it would be interesting to see the differemce in 2 damage
For anyone stumbling across Darsha's remark and taking it to heart...
STR does good things, but it depends on the WS you're rolling. Penta vs Wheeling, Thalassocrat is your Penta, Mezraq is your Wheeling. And while you might say "Drakesbane uses STR," DEX also influences your crit rate, and Drakesbane isn't that much better than Penta Thrust unless it crits.