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Screenshots » id:24993
Score: 5.08
Votes: 13
Classification Player » Heimdall
Tags ffxi screenshot BBLADE glitched
Date Submitted 2009-09-09 06:56:23
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Comments (6)
Ifrit.Otaria[Report] Score: 2
You have to deal 1 point of damage with the buccaneer's knife to drop the invincible effect BB gains at 1%. once the shield is down, anyone can deliver the finishing blow.
2009-09-09 11:36:36
Carbuncle.Khane[Report] Score: 1
u do, he's sayin a sam killed BB when that job can't equip the knife that kills the mob >.>
2009-09-09 10:31:12
Caitsith.Heimdall[Report] Score: 1
ya i was the one with the knife but the sam got the kill
2009-09-09 10:52:02
Bahamut.Atrithk[Report] Score: 1
Maybe you just need to do damage with the Buccaneer's knife to drop his shield?
2009-09-09 10:02:57
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 1
Lucky. I've killed it like 6 times and still haven't gotten the dagger to change
2009-09-09 12:09:23
Ifrit.Rikiyame[Report] Score: -1
Has nothing to do with the knife. The pillar does a charging effect. Every kill increases the pillar's charge and the 100% charge changes the next person's trade into a Bart Knife.
2009-09-09 10:42:13