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Screenshots » id:24644
Score: 8.00
Votes: 80
Classification Player » Ryujia
Tags ffxi screenshot RDM solo Kreutzet
Date Submitted 2009-09-04 13:51:54
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Comments (3)
Leviathan.Dartus[Report] Score: 12
Why do people rate pics like this so low? Why rate a pic of a RDM soloing and getting a good drop low? You guys jealous you can't do stuff like this? Seriously. Good job poster.
2009-09-04 14:46:35
Shiva.Clowdd[Report] Score: 7
I agree dartus, this game is so full of piece of ***haters. ppl think they are better but where are their pics?
2009-09-04 14:55:28
Sylph.Samchaos[Report] Score: 4
I agree with the 2's sad how the morale of the game gets low from people like that IMO.

Congratz on the fight and drop...good work!
2009-09-04 17:43:14