Raja's ring makes him a dumb ***?
I don't know about all that. I mean, 4/5 dragon gear, yeah, Emp hair pin at 75, ok, but how is % STR and DEX Store TP +5 and % subtle blow bad? I guess I'm a RMT or dumbass as well.
If you look at his other items he has Walahara Turban and O Hat... he was probably just wearing Emp Pin so he could view his characters head instead of the dumb looking Ohat/W. Turban...
Stats is what really matter. DEX73+33 is not bad for sneak attack macro.
emp hairpin is good to use on thf especially when you weaponskill -- least its better than walmart turban coz you don't need haste when you ws. Also the spike necklace is actually good. yes there are better pieces that you can put in this slot but this necklace is actually not bad for ws macro too.
Seems none of you guys/girls ever played THF @75. This is a SA or Dancing Edge set for someone without endgame gear (Hecatomb/Enkidu). Observe and learn...
You are a dumbass as well Thandar. Etrayis meant that because he has rajas and sirocco, he should know better about the rest of the gear...but this could easily just be a SA set. Hop off his nuts..