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Screenshots » id:22504
Score: 3.62
Votes: 26
Classification Player » Legado
Date Submitted 2009-08-03 17:28:47
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Comments (11)
Asura.Artemicion[Report] Score: 9
Grats on your ring.
I won't judge your gear, rock on the way you are dude.
2009-08-04 05:01:27
Kujata.Thio[Report] Score: 8
Some serious gils
2009-08-03 17:51:29
Ragnarok.Thehobo[Report] Score: 6
Wooooodum, keep ignoring the fact that he has Hermes' Sandals +1.
2009-08-03 21:34:16
Carbuncle.Legado[Report] Score: 4
Was just looking to show off the Kupo ring, but seems I'm under dressed lol.
2009-08-03 23:25:17
Bahamut.Emmaline[Report] Score: 4
Nice legs. <.<
2009-08-03 23:23:25
Fenrir.Thandar[Report] Score: 3
@ Kavien
It's so an Ancient Torque.

Ancient Torque > PCC
2009-08-04 01:17:50
Carbuncle.Scizakas[Report] Score: 2
*** talking ***probably suck *** anyway, now give me your ring!
2009-08-05 10:34:42
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] Score: 0
If you guys are going to actually comment on someone's gear while they're standing in town, next to a moogle, why would you say nothing about the hands or legs? One of these days, I'm going to post a screenshot of my character wearing something like crimson legs but the rest level cap gear, just to see the comments I get.
2009-08-03 23:22:49
Midgardsormr.Nyomi[Report] Score: -2
Oh ma god, gimme your monies plz
2009-08-04 02:43:36
Caitsith.Kavien[Report] Score: -7
That doesn't mean he brought them, i went 1/1 on hermes +1 and they hard to sell.
Askar??? Get a hauberk+1 or hauby+1
Chiv. Chain??? Get a PCC!
2009-08-03 23:00:19