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Screenshots » id:22147
Score: 8.88
Votes: 8
Classification Item » Erlking's Blade
Date Submitted 2009-07-29 17:38:45
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Comments (2)
Odin.Blazza[Report] Score: 1
I'm looking at all these different weapon augments, and I'm finding it harder and harder to decide what I actually want. 'Cause Elemental Damage might be nice depending on proc rate, but +5 macc and MAB would be awesome too, and of course +5 DMG... gah!
2009-07-29 21:05:08
Odin.Southie[Report] Score: 1
Best I've seen yet, magic acc is nice but...if you have full blu skill merits and the blu skill equipt and /or some Denali pieces for extra Macc you're blu magic spell will land. As for the MAB...+5 is just plain awesome.
2009-09-30 02:31:31