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Screenshots » id:20641
Score: 7.05
Votes: 41
Classification Player » Kalilla
Date Submitted 2009-07-05 14:15:47
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Comments (6)
Alexander.Linuse[Report] Score: 8
Congrats and welcome to the club!

1/367 that is terrible luck.


After you trade in items you have to wait til next conquest tally to get the rod from NPC.
2009-07-05 22:03:00
Caitsith.Kalila[Report] Score: 8
By far the best moment in this game for me. Huge achievement on my part and I stuck through it. Turned in 367 Gugrusaurus's, that's equivalent to 6.6 mil gil. Turned in 91 Lik, that's equivalent to 1.4 mil gil. That's almost a salvage body worth of fish.

This sunday I'll recieve my reward, and hand off my Lu Shang to Dameon so he can fish the same types of fish with me without breaking every other cast. That will make him happy I'm sure. What am I going to do with Ebisu? Go after legendary fish without worrying about breaking my rod. So many possibilities out there for me that I stood away from because I didn't have woodworking to fix my rod. Ironic that I would tackle this quest without WW leveled. My rod broke 63 times during this quest. I couldn't of done this without the support from my friends and mainly Toxeus (who I have agreed to help him get his ebisu rod after I got mine). So I'm not done with these fish quiet yet! But I can say this. My rod will never break agai
2009-07-05 23:01:53
Carbuncle.Elevencharlie[Report] Score: 1
Congrats on your new rod. I wouldn't have the patience to even try to go for it.
2009-07-05 18:00:42
Caitsith.Pibian[Report] Score: 1
Congratulations! Just curious, what do you mean by 4 hours late?
2009-07-05 21:35:52
Cerberus.Novas[Report] Score: 1
Congratz on getting the shoot
2009-07-05 18:59:41
Titan.Styxriver[Report] Score: 0
Congrats on Ebisu! Welcome to the club, it's a good feeling~
2009-07-05 21:41:50